• Segregation
Waste Hierarchy Diagram
4.2 Option Assessment
■ For any operation which produces waste, UKAEA applies the best available technique (BAT) for its management; disposal and the application of the waste hierarchy.
■ The options which have been adopted for waste management have been validated through the BAT process. A record of these assessments is documented internally.
■ Waste is subject to national guidelines that include an assessment to ensure the risk to the environment is ALARP. The BAT assessments are reviewed on a regular basis. This review ensures that the methods used for waste management are to the current standards; consider any new legislation, and include any new technologies where practicable.
4.3 Interactions with other policies, strategies and plans
4.4 Lifecycle strategy phases
■ The present life cycle strategy is driven by the requirements of the customer for fusion research.
■ The UKAEA is currently planning JET operations until the end of 2020. This programme provides underpinning R&D for future fusion devices.
■ Changes to the machine are reviewed annually and there are regular meetings with key stakeholders to ensure that decommissioning information remains current.
LIFETIME PLAN – Internal link only
4.5 Decommissioning planning and end state
■ The UKAEA has reviewed and updated the Lifetime plan during 2020, this now provides the baseline plan for the JET decommissioning programme.
■ A study has been undertaken to establish the preferred JET end state to reflect stakeholder views. This recognises the valuable scientific and technical abilities at Culham and the contribution the site makes to the local economy.
■ Liabilities will be removed and further development progressed.
Summary of Waste Inventory
Controlled and hazardous waste are managed and consigned as they are generated (Masses relate to 780te in total). OSR waste is recategorised waste disposed of as controlled/hazardous waste.
Radioactive waste is processed by campaign on specific waste types and routes to ensure that waste meets the contract requirements of the disposal site. An EPR permit specifies the accumulation, transfer and discharge limits applicable to radioactive waste. Radioactive waste contributes to 4% of disposals from site.
Next section
5.1 What we do now
5.2 What is needed in the future
5.3 Existing routes and plans