2.1 Regulatory and Stakeholder

All strategies which are used on site for waste management include a substantial consultation with the regulators and the local stakeholders.

External stakeholders are consulted for specific process/treatment/disposal options which are being considered and which require option assessments. The option assessments are also open to regulators and industry experts, who may take part or choose to be observers.

There is a regular forum for external Stakeholders hosted on site.

There are regular meetings with Regulators regarding waste management strategies, which include operational waste but also for preparation for decommissioning.

2.2 Recent engagements include:

• Disposal options of ILW from the new MRF facility

• Review of packaging options for JET decommissioning ILW

• Introduction of local community to new facilities planned on site

2.3 Accessibility

The Site IWS is publicly accessible.

There may be some corporate documents  and other documents on the company management system which may only be available via the FOI requests.

Next section

3.1 UKAEA Objective
3.2 Strategy Aims
3.3 Waste management principles
3.4 Strategy Assumptions

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