3.2 Fusion Strategy & Aims
Fusion energy – Why fusion is needed
Fusion offers a secure, long-term source of energy with important advantages. These include no production of greenhouse gases, from the fusion process; no long-lived radioactive waste which places a burden on future generations.
3.3 Waste Management Principles
• Robustly enforce the Waste hierarchy
• Minimisation of waste, reducing carbon emissions
• Actively search for recycling routes for all waste
• Seek to demonstrate world leading technologies to reduce waste and promote recycling.
• Innovative approach to characterisation techniques
• Influencing material choices at project outset.
3.4 Strategy Assumptions
• The management of waste will be compliant with Government policy, legislation and regulatory requirements
• UKAEA will maintain a transparent relationship with regulators
• Planned waste processing will use mature technologies.
• Disposal sites remain available for the acceptance of waste from site.
• There will be sufficient storage/disposal capacity to accommodate UKAEA waste.
• The JET facility will be decommissioned at the end of its useful life; other scientific research will continue on site.
• There will be no long-term storage of waste at Culham Science Centre.
• JET decommissioning will be funded by UK Government.
Next section
4.1 Waste Hierarchy
4.2 Option assessments
4.3 Interactions with other policies, strategies and plans
4.4 Lifecycle strategy phases
4.5 Decommissioning and final site End state